

Today is Monday, April 6. It is a C day.



Library books can be dropped off at the school between 7:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. There will be a tub marked library books outside the office door.


No school on Friday, April 10.


Zoom has updated their program and now require passwords for all video conferences. When students connect with teachers using Zoom, look for a password from your teacher or within your invite that you will need to enter. If you are not able to enter Zoom and/or cannot find the Zoom password, please contact your teacher directly.


Just a reminder that lunches are being distributed each day. All student K-12 are encouraged to take advantage of picking up a lunch at the following locations: 

Calvary Baptist Church
Elmira Town Hall Area
Twiford and 7th Street
Burr Oak and Northview Drive
Lonestone Ct. and St. Albans PL

13700 Hwy 52 Trailer Park
Fountain First State Bank
Wykoff – Gold and Bartlet St.
Chatfield High School (main entry)
Elementary School (main entry)

1499 Amco Drive (empty lot)


Students, let’s continue our reading. Students should be at 624 steps.


Let’s continue to have a great year and be respectful, be responsible, and be safe.