Preschool Enrollment
Chatfield Preschool provides a stimulating environment which allows children to grow socially, intellectually, emotionally, and physically. The Preschool program provides a variety of experiences and strives to meet the needs of each child.
Preschool operates under four basic principles.
1) Each child is an individual and develops at his or her own pace.
2) A child’s work is his/her play and children learn by doing.
3) Every child should have access to the preschool experience.
4) Parents play a key role in the education of a child.
Preschool teachers set up intentional play and activities that support the theme, vocabulary, and goals for the session. Children are busy with blocks, puzzles, sensory tables, and dramatic play. They try their hands at science experiments and art projects. Students are engaged in circle times, which include music, stories, morning messages, and more!
Chatfield preschool offers morning and full day classes. The 3 & 4 Year Old classes are 2 days each week. Options for 4 & 5 Year Olds are either two-day or three-day classes. Pre-K Valleyland is available for childcare in the mornings, 6-8 a.m. and afternoons, 2:45-6 p.m. Valleyland is available only on the days that the child attends preschool.
Registration opens in March and you can find the registration form here: PreSchool - Chatfield Public Schools (
Community Education: 507-867-4521
- LuAnn Klevan, Director x5022
- Sue Tangen, Valleyland Coordinator x4051
K-12 Enrollment
CLICK HERE to enroll your student.
If you would first like to contact a building principal or a counselor for a tour, they would be glad to answer all of your questions.
Shane McBroom, Principal x4012
Ashley Kester, Counselor x4014
Desirae Sherman, Admin Assistant x4010
Eric Nelson, Principal x5204
Sara Duxbury, Guidance Counselor x5054
Terri Dudek, Admin Assistant x5058
CLICK HERE for Transportation Information