K12 Enrichment & Recreation

The after school enrichment program provides out-of-school activities for elementary children that will enrich their educational experience.  Activities will introduce participants to new experiences, new vocabulary, and teamwork; and provide opportunities to further develop skills in the arts, sciences, communications, and athletics.   The program is built on four guiding principles:
1) Every child should have the opportunity to participate in youth programs, regardless of race, gender, or economic status.
2) Studies show that children who participate in after-school activities do better academically.
3) Expanding vocabulary helps develop better reading skills.
4) Enrichment opportunities give children the opportunity to explore, discover, practice, & grow.

Classes and activities are promoted through take-home flyers, Facebook, and the school website. Efforts are made to keep the participation fee at a minimal. Families experiencing financial difficulty may request to have the fee waived.

CLICK HERE FOR ONLINE REGISTRATION FOR YOUTH ENRICHMENT.  https://chatfieldpublicschools.revtrak.net/

Current Enrichment Opportunities

First page of the PDF file: LetitSnow
First page of the PDF file: SnowySunset