Early Childhood Screening


Early Childhood Screening is required in MN before a child enters Kindergarten. Children may be screened after age 3.  The ideal age for screening is 3 ½-4 years.

The years between birth and Kindergarten are a time of rapid growth and learning.  Early Childhood Screening helps identify any possible health or developmental concerns. It is a way to identify concerns at an early stage so your child can get help before starting school.

Early Childhood Screening is a FREE service.  During screening, the following areas will be assessed:
* Vison and Hearing
* Height, Weight, and Growth
* Immunization and Health Status
* Thinking, Language, and Communication Skills
* Social and Emotional Development

Fill out the following below based on your child’s age (You must complete the ECS Packet and the Ages & Stages Questionnaire):

Step 1: 

Fill out the Consent Form. Click HERE to fill out and submit.

Step 2: 

Fill out the Ages and Stages Questionnaire based on your child's age below.

Click HERE for the 36 Month form. (for children from 33 months to 41 months and 30 days)

Click HERE for the 48 Month form. (for children from 42-53 months)

Click HERE for the 60 Month form. (for children from 54-65 months)

Step 3:

To schedule your appointment, please click the QR code or scan the code shown below.

QR Code for Jotform form

Reminder that screening usually takes 1-1.5 hours. 

Here is a video link that explains more about early childhood screening in MN.


You will be given the results of the screening and have the opportunity to discuss the results and ask any questions you may have. Early Childhood Screening typically takes about an hour to an hour and a half.  Children need to be accompanied by a parent.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please email Brooke Boelter at bboelter@chatfieldschools.com or call the Chatfield Elementary Office. 507 867 4521.