Joshua Maricle-Roberts - HS Social Studies Teacher
Elizabeth Fugelstad - Fillmore County Social Worker

There are currently 62 student members of SADD in grades 9-12.  SADD members promote making good choices with a variety of activities and events including, but not limited to, the following:

  • Red Ribbon Week
  • Seatbelt Awareness
  • Teen Safe Driving
  • Elementary Homecoming Carnival
  • Random Acts of Kindness
  • Prom Safety
  • Mock Crash (every 3 years)
  • Various speakers

SADD meets monthly on Mondays at lunch time.  NEW MEMBERS ALWAYS WELCOME!

SADD December meeting will be this coming Monday (12/12) in the forum during access time. Come by to write out Holiday letters.

 On May 4, 2023, we hosted a mock crash that demonstrated the potentially fatal consequences that come from distracted, drunk, and irresponsible driving. The mock crash included two wrecked vehicles. Students served as participants in the crash, but the rest of the participants were actual first responders. A huge thank you to Chatfield Police and Fire, Chatfield Ambulance, and the Fillmore and Olmsted Sheriff’s Departments for their participation.