Nurse's Office
Our school nurses do more than care for our children when they are sick. Some of their duties include: administer prescription and emergency medication; report immunization compliance to MN Health Dept.; check and monitor AED machines; attend IEP meetings; provide vision and hearing screening; arrange CPR classes for school staff; work with Public Health; facilitate flu clinics and listen to parent concerns.
Nurse Forms
Elementary Nurse: Daysha Borst/Kathy Gudmundson
507-867-4521 x 4015
Administering Medication in School No prescription drug or PRN medication (Tylenol, or Ibuprofen) will be given to students without a signed authorization by parent/legal guardian. Forms for authorization can be picked up at the high school office or online; click on Medication form above. |
Minnesota youth are required to have immunizations at specific ages. A listing of the required immunizations can be found at
Families must show their children have had these immunizations or file an exemption. If your family is uninsured, underinsured, or enrolled in a Minnesota Health Care Program, contact Fillmore County Public Health at 507-765-3898 to make an appointment to receive immunizations at a reduced rate.
Immunization form online; click on Student Immunization Form above or call your doctor.
Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Pregnant women and children aged 0-4 whose families qualify for Medical Assistance or Free and Reduced meals are automatically eligible for WIC. WIC provides nutrition education and vouchers for healthy foods. Contact Fillmore County WIC at 507-765-3898 for details.
High School Nurse: Breanna MacLeod/Hannah Theede
507-867-4210, x 5056
When A Student Is Ill…
When a student is sick, parents often wonder whether or not to keep a child at home from school.
If a child stays home and has the care he/she needs when first sick, he/she will often get better faster. Staying home and resting will help the body fight the sickness. Staying at home is also one of the best ways to keep others from becoming ill.
Reasons why children should stay at home:
- Severe colds, coughs, or sore throats
- Eye infections, especially if discharge is present
- New skin rashes, especially if draining-unless a health care provider states the rash is NOT contagious.
- Temperature of 100° or more-with or without symptoms
- Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or abdominal pain
- Any other symptom of illness that would keep them from participating in regular school activities.
- Until results of lab tests (example: throat culture, nasal swab) are known.
Children may return to school when:
- Well enough to participate in normal school activities
- Temperature remains normal for 24 hours
- Free of vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours
- On antibiotics prescribed by your health care provider, such as;
- 24 hours for strep throat
- 5 days for pertussis (whooping cough)
- Your health care provider states your child can return.
It is often difficult to decide whether it is really necessary to keep your child home. There are very few rules to follow when dealing with these variables. Hopefully these guidelines will be helpful to you in making this decision.
The Elementary School Nurse can be reached via phone at: 507-867-4521, ext 4015 or emailed at or at
The High School Nurse can be reached via phone at: 507-867-4210, x 5056 or emailed at: or
Feel free to contact them to help you with this.
If you DO keep your child home from school, please remember to contact our Elementary School Absence Line at 507-867-4521, OPTION 2, or go on the school website and click on “Report an Absence” on the righthand side of the screen. Be prepared to give the following information:
Student’s name
Teacher’s name
Nature of their illness
If your clinic has given an estimation of how long they will be absent
Attendance is done through the front office. Please call or email the front desk EVEN IF YOU HAVE ALREADY NOTIFIED THE CLASSROOM TEACHER. Following these instructions ensures that the right people quickly get this information.